Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Greenpeace: Zero Deforestation

The earth is only composed of only two big masses, these two masses are land and water. Due to deforestation the forests of the world get reduced. Forests are home to millions of people and around two-thirds of the world's land-based species of plants and animals and deforestation causes a change in the climate generating about one fifth of global greenhouse gas emissions - more than all the cars, planes, and trains in the world (Greenpeace).
Deforestation in the Amazon before Greenpeace stepped in.
Greenpeace, a non-governmental organization has decided to put a stop to deforestation. They have past successes in other forests like the Amazon which is now receiving more protection due to agreements with industries in Brazil.  

The Greenpeace organization has suggested a solution (Forests for Climate) that industrial countries should get permits for the carbon they are allowed to emit and these permits should not be given out for free, but instead the industries have to pay for them. With the fee that the industries pay for emissions, Greenpeace said that there would be enough funds to save forests.

Ice could be reduced to global warming
caused by deforestation.
I completely agree with all of Greenpeace's points on stopping deforestation. After all forests are home to two thirds of the world's land-based species of plants and animals and if we continued to cut these trees the animal and plant species in those places would be reduced and the biodiversity of that ecosystem would be affected in a negative way. Deforestation does not just affect the habitats of those living in forests but also other animals like the polar bear. Deforestation causes climate changed and could lead to global warming which would affect the melting of the ice in the earth. 

If you want to learn more about deforestation and get ideas on how to help better the situation of forests click here.

Cartoon about the pollution caused during deforestation.




  1. I also agree on the points that Greenpeace is saying. The forests serve a big purpose in our world right now. The forests are a home for a lot of animal species the live in them and the trees also take out the carbon in the air and makes the air we breath cleaner. When you cut down all the forests the animals in them die and the air would be more polluted with carbon. I learned a lot from reading your blog.

  2. Nice blog. I was shocked when I saw the picture you posted about the deforestation of the amazon. You can really see the damage deforestation does to habitats, millions of animals, insects and other organisms have lost homes because of humans invasive nature. I'm glad that Greenpeace is helping out forests by adding more protection from industrialism, I hope they continue the good that they are doing and inspire others to make a difference. I would have to agree with Eryn, I learned a lot after reading your blog.
